19 October, 2022 by
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    In line with product development initiative of Raheemah Peace Weavers, and in preparation of Raheemah Economic Hub Marketing Platform launching, the members of Raheemah Peace Weavers conduct a Product Mapping to different municipalities in Lanao del Sur.

This activity was centered on refining existing and new potential products and services of the region that are subject to product development and can be sustain under Raheemah Economic Hub Marketing Platform. During the product mapping the Raheemah peace Weavers immerse in different municipalities in the province to identify and select the possible products and services that have potential to be launch in the said Marketing Platform.

The product mapping initiatives of Raheemah Peace Weavers that will help Meranaw micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) identify what goods and services to offer and put to the Marketing platform of Raheemah Economic Hub. After the product mapping, a thorough selection of products was done and presented for further scrutiny and evaluation.

This initiative is an innovative way to better identify the potential goods and services that can offer by the MSMEs of the region and the possible support they needed to further enhance and develop their goods and services. The Result of product mapping will show the total numbers of untapped potential product and services in the province that will possibly contribute to improve the market access and promotion of our local products.

According to Raheemah Peace Weavers founder Sittie Aisha “Baicon” Cayongcat-Nuska, helping and assisting these MSMEs on product development and transitions will contribute to sustained economic development of the province. The initiatives of Raheemah Peace Weavers to provide support on product promotion and product development of MSMEs will open opportunities and will be a step to expand the market of our local products in  Marawi City and Lanao del Sur.

The product mapping was made possible with the help and support of Save the Children Philippines under the Restoring Livelihoods and Learning in Marawi project. This is one of the partnership initiatives of Save the Children and Raheemah Peace Weavers to promote sustainable economic development in Marawi City and in Lanao del Sur.

As a way forward, Save the Children Philippines in partnership with Raheemah Peace Weavers will be closely coordinating with the MSMEs to further assist them in the succeeding phases of the product development. Trainings and workshops for these identified MSMEs will be provided if necessity. Raheemah peace weavers is also hopeful that the eagerness and commitment shown by the MSMEs during the product mapping will be sustained until the product launching and monitoring phase.

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