Halal Industry Focused Group Planning
19 October, 2022 by
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Save the Children Philippines hosted the 3-Day Halal Focused Group Planning held at Seda Hotel, Cagayan de Oro City. This is in support to the Restoring Livelihoods and Learning in Marawi Project under the Emergency Assistance for the Reconstruction and Recovery of Marawi, funded by the Government of Japan through the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

The Halal Stakeholders Forum has aimed to further tighten the partnership of RAHEEMAH PEACE WEAVERS and Save the Children Philippines with the various stakeholders in BARMM and the different government agencies for the Promotion of Halal Industry in Marawi City and Lanao Del Sur. The key discussion is the Promotion and Development of Halal Industry anchored on the mandates, directions and plans of Bangsamoro Halal Board and the respective Halal Programs of the different government agencies.                                                                                                                                                                                     
Promotion of Halal Industry in Bangsamoro region is one of the initiatives of Raheemah Peace Weavers with support of Save the Children Philippines. As Raheemah Peace Weavers establish its Economic Hub, they were planning to integrate the Halal Industry in all the products that will be showcasing in the Economic Hub. Halal Industry is fastest growing industry in the world now, because it is no longer confined to Muslims only, even the Non-Muslim communities are now adopting the concepts of Halal Industry. Adopting the concept of Halal Industry is way to reach large market and open opportunities within the country and outside the Philippines.

The Raheemah Peace Weavers Chairman Aisha “baicon” Cayongcat-Nuska believe that one way to promote the Bangsamoro Products in our country and outside the Philippines is by adopting the Halal Industry concepts, it is also a driving force to attract opportunities. The concept of halal is not bound to food-related, as a whole, it is an ethical values that are common to businesses and societies. It’s making sure you eat healthy, clean, non-toxic products, and that you are not having a lifestyle that is going to harm you. The halal economy is meant to be value-based. It’s making sure you respect everything around you: the environment, animal welfare, sustainability, workers & suppliers rights. It has many different facets and opportunities, which is why many countries are now champions in promoting Halal Industry.

The plans and initiatives of Raheemah Peace Weavers and Save the Children Philippines to promote and integrate Halal Industry in Bangsamoro region, specifically in Lanao del Sur and Marawi City are supported by the different government agencies and ministries present during the Halal Stakeholders Forum. During the forum they have shown their supports and addresses their suggestions and recommendations to campaign and creates awareness on halal products and services in the region. The Ministry of Trade, Investment and Tourism – BARMM Deputy Minister Atty. Sukarno Abbas have said that there is a need of resolution and a strong ground in adopting Halal Standard and Certification to be productive and effective promote Halal Economy. He also added that MTIT-BARRM were planning to put up a Halal Hub at Cotabato City. It is their first step to reach and tapped large market with huge potential for exporting products. He said that is a great opportunity to talk about Halal Industry

Task Force Bangon Marawi Field Manager Asec. Felix Castro suggests the beauty of ISO and he recommended to first focus on our level where in local (MArawi City). He said that it is better if we could do it step by step, identify the possible challenges and look for the solution, on that case we could see the progress along the way. Advocacy is one way to inform everyone what does Halal concepts, its importance and how it affects our way of life. 

The forum highlighted the presentation of Halal Convergence Planning for 2022 of each stakeholder and government agencies. Among the suggestions and recommendations of those who attended the Halal Focused Group Planning are 1.) Establishment of the Bangsamoro Commission on Halal Development and Promotions, 2.) Development of the Halal Accreditation & Certification Standards and Guidelines for BARMM that are contextually relevant and globally competent, and 3.) Development of monitoring, evaluation and audit standards and protocols that are aligned and consistent across Ministries/Agencies. 

In attendance were representatives from different government agencies and ministries such as,TFBM, DTI, MTIT Lanao del Sur, MTIT BARMM, MOLE BARMM, MAFAR Lanao del Sur, MBHTE-TESDA Lanao del Sur, PLGU Lanao del Sur, LGU Marawi City and RAHEEMAH Peace Weavers. There were also a special participation from the resource person representatives from the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) Mr. Aleem Guiapal, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) Atty. Clang Jamoner and MTIT-BARMM Deputy Minister Atty. Sukarno Abbas.

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